Drausy® Professional

microinvasive aeration = pre-treatment of wastewater in the sewer system.
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Drausy® Professional is used specifically in the wastewater pressure line: against odour nuisance and H2S formation

Are you fighting against odour nuisance and H2S formation? Our competent team will advise you whether and how linear ventilation can be used in your case.

The linear pressure-balancing system acts like a preliminary stage of the sewage treatment plant through linear aeration. The wastewater is kept fresh by transforming the environment from oxygen-poor to oxygen-rich. This treatment achieves the following goals: odours are combated and H2S formation is avoided.

Drausy® Products

Drausy® Professional Odour Control

The Drausy® system is patented - there is no comparable linear ventilation system of this kind on the market. The pressure compensation is unique: the hole size adjusts to the pressure, the same amount always escapes. Regardless of length or height. With our experience, we not only supply you with the product but also with advice on the individual case.

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Uniform long-distance treatment

Pressure equalisation over long distances

Cost-effective and sustainable

Extremely long lifetime

Alternative to renovation

Further information about Drausy® Professional

Field reports, analyses and measurement data can be found here:

Long-term treatment

Since 2002, the route section in the Harz Mountains has been operated successfully.

Odour control

Since 2010, the odour problem in Neukirchen has been solved.

H2S avoidance

Drausy® delays the need for renovation because it prevents corrosion.

This is how the Drausy® system works:

It creates an aerobic environment in the pipe through linear aeration: this is possible because the tiny nanobubbles distribute themselves in the wastewater, thus achieving a high retention time of the oxygen

This results in an efficient oxygen supply: special Drausy® system hoses aerate the wastewater over long distances (several kilometres) with nanobubbles in a pressure-balancing manner, thus compensating for pump downtimes. In the case of heavily polluted wastewater, additional treatment with H2O2 is possible.

Read more:

Geruchsbekämpfung mit Sauerstofftherapie


Components of a Drausy® plant

Ultra-quiet screw compressor for Premium installation with Drausy® Professional

Contact us for your customised Drausy® system.

Problems with mud or odour? We do have your solution.